The Ultimate Guide to Masturdating and Putting Yourself First

The Ultimate Guide to Masturdating and Putting Yourself First

A sure guide to staying happily single

Being single in the midst of all the ‘God when’ and ‘couple goals’ of society can be a bit daunting. Rather than be upset about singlehood, think of it as the best time to learn about self-love, and putting yourself first. You have no one to worry about but yourself, so here are some helpful tips to ensure you thrive as a single person.

The Ultimate Guide to Masturdating and Putting Yourself First

1. Drink Water and Mind Your Business

This is one of the most important steps. How can you take care of yourself if you’re too busy minding someone else’s business? The more you focus on you, and ignore other people’s drama, the more you discover things about yourself you didn’t have time to find out before.

2. Me-Time is Every Time

One of the best things about having ‘me-time’ is that you get to do things that make you happy. Now imagine me-time was every day. You are only doing things that make you happy and give you peace. You don’t have to give up things or inconvenience yourself to make anyone else happy. Because you are the one that matters.

3. Find What You Love and Do It

There is no point having all that free time if you can’t utilise it. This is the best time to pursue that hobby, cook that recipe you’ve been meaning to try, go on that adventure you’ve always wanted to. Even if that adventure is just going to a fancy restaurant. As long as it gives you joy, you’re good to go.


4. Treat Yourself To A Date

There is no shame in taking yourself out – it’s called masturdating. And yes, that’s an actual word. Taking yourself out is very important. You don’t need to wait till you’re ‘boo-ed up’ before you explore restaurants and place you’ve always wanted to see. Try watching a movie alone at the cinemas. Book a spa session for yourself. Go to the beach, when things are safer, and soak up the sun. There is so much to do.

5. Water That Friendship

A lot of people sacrifice friendship when they start dating because they barely have enough time in a day to divide between work, themselves and their partners, and every other thing planned into their schedule. Now that you’re single, you can really devote some time to growing existing bonds between your friends. Plan activities together or spend hours on the phone, it all depends on the dynamics you have with your friends.

These are just the first steps into making your singlehood more fulfilling. It doesn’t have to be tears and one million cats. It could also be glowing skin and laughter. Learn to love yourself and it only gets better from there.

Written by Dara Oluwatoye


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